Together with the leading experts we have developed the following scientific and technical literature on ecology in power engineering and guidelines on ash and slag removal systems at TPPs:

Books and manuals
  • Ecology in power engineering: Manual / Edited by V.Y. Putilov. Admitted by the Counil of educational and methodical union on education on power engineering and electric engineering as a manual for students of high schools. Recommended by the Department of scientific and technical policy and development of the Russian JSC «UES of Russia» as a manual on ecology in power engineering for listeners of training and professional retraining programs. MPEI Publishers, - M., 2003, 715 p.
  • A.A. Aleksandrov. Thermodynamic fundamentals of cycles of thermal power plants: A manual for high schools. - M.: MPEI-Publishing, 2004. - 158 [2] with fig.
  • A.V. Andryushin, V.P. Zverkov, T.V. Lukyanova "Information Technologies for qualified users" / Tutorial. M. MPEI, 2007, 204 pp.
  • Y.P. Shonin, V.Y. Putilov. Installation, maintenance and repair of power oil transformers. Practical Guide. CJSC MPEI-publishers", 2013, 760 p.: fig.
  • Y.M. Tretyakov. Water. Structure and thermal parameters. - Moscow - Izhevsk: RDE "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics", Institute of Computer Science, 2013. - 552 p.
  • L.M. Zakharova, V.S. Mukhin. Thermal control and automation of technological processes of thermal and nuclear power plants. -M. - MPEI Printing Centre, 2013. - 195 p.
  • Y.P. Kuznetsov. Calculation methods, modeling and research modes of electrical thermal power plants and substations. - M. - MPEI Printing Centre, 2013. - 167 p.
  • A.V. Andryushin, V.P. Zverkov, T.V. Lukyanova "Information Technologies for qualified users" / Tutorial. M. MPEI, 2014, 267 pp.
Informational collections
  • RD 34.27.109-96. Methodic directions for desighning pneumatic ash disposal systems from boilers, plants of dry ash delivery to customers and its discharge to ash dumps / Vishnya B.L., Putilov V.Y. JSC "Uraltechenergo", Yekaterinburg, 1997, 170 p.
  • RD 34.02.103-98. Assessment method of technical and economic indices of ash and slag removal systems of TPPs in view of ecological requirements / Putilov V.Y., Avtonomov А.B., Borichev К.P., Orlov А.V., Malikova E.А., etc. NTF "Energoprogress", Moscow, 1998, 79 p.
  • RD 153-34.1.-27.512-2001. Methodic directions on calculation of erosion in pipelines of pneumatic transportation plants of fuel-pulverizing and ash and slag disposal systems of TPPs / Putilov V.Y., Putilova I.V., Vishnya B.L., Borichev K.P., Malikova Е.А. MPEI, М., 2001, 20 p.
  • RD 153-34.1-10.341-2001. Wall material consumption rates for the airslide conveyor repair and pneumatic devices for ash transport / Putilov V.Y., Kobtsev S.V., Vishnya B.L. MPEI, М., 2001, 6 p.
  • RD 153-34.1-10.342-2001. Steel tube consumption rates for repairing pneumatic ash pipelines of pneumotransport installations of ash removal systems of TPPs / Putilov V.Y., Kobtsev S.V., Vishnya B.L. MPEI, М., 2001, 6 p.
Workshop and conference proceedings
  • V International conference «Ashes and slags from TPPs – removal, transport, processing, starage», April, 24-25, 2014. Moscow, MPEI Printing Center.

  • IV International Scientific and Practical workshop «Ashes and slags from TPPs – removal, transport, processing, landfilling», April, 19-20, 2012. Moscow, MPEI Publishers.

  • III International Scientific and Practical workshop «Ashes and slags from TPPs – removal, transport, processing, landfilling», April, 22-23, 2010. Moscow, MPEI Publishers.

  • II International Scientific and Practical workshop «Ashes and slags from TPPs – removal, transport, processing, landfilling», April, 23-24, 2009. Moscow, MPEI Publishers.

  • I International Scientific and Practical workshop «Ashes and slags from TPPs – removal, transport, processing, landfilling», March, 23, 2007. Moscow, MPEI Publishers.

  • II International Scientific and Practical conference and specialized exhibition «Ecology in power engineering – 2005», October, 19-21, 2005, Moscow, MPEI Publishers.

  • I International Scientific and Practical conference «Ecology in power engineering – 2005». October,18-20, 2000, Moscow, MPEI Publishers.